Emilia B.

Emilia B.

horse, Friese, Mare, 2013


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name (DE) Emilia B. gender Mare
breed Friese type horse
born 08/02/2013 shoulder height add
colour black discipline add
mainly used for free time horse riding club, association add
Awards add Father Nova
Mother add father of mother add
Breeder Bracht Corinna Place of birth add
whereabouts Germany, Add city field test add
station test add profile views 1311
Sell ​​our yearling filly from our own breeding . Emilia B. is entered in the Weser - Ems . She was vaccinated regularly and scored regularly deworming . She knows the Foal ABC , vet and farrier . Father 's mother Nova : Enola . She has three lovely gaits . Emilia is a very affectionate mare . Was the beginning of July in the animal hospital for umbilical hernia . This was well operated and can be seen as nothing more of . Unfortunately, they came with mushroom again while she is but treated . It is barely visible .

to be supplied only in the very best hands .
To 17.30 I can be reached only by e - mail . Then you can call me on phone.
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