

horse, Trakehner, Stallion (approved), 2012

rimondo Insights

Donauabend, an impressive Trakehner stallion from the 2012 cohort, proves to be a valuable asset both in sport and breeding. With over 50 starts and more than 10 placings, he has demonstrated his versatility in show jumping. Particularly noteworthy is his collaboration with Eva-Maria Lühr, with whom he achieved most of his sporting successes.

Although Donauabend has not yet produced any licensed stallions or award-winning offspring, his potential as a sire is undeniable. His lineage is promising: his sire Abendtanz is a successful Trakehner stallion with over 80 offspring, and his dam's sire Lauries Crusador xx enjoys an excellent reputation in breeding as a Thoroughbred.

Donauabend's hereditary traits are evident in his aptitude for show jumping, making him an interesting choice for breeders seeking a stallion with a solid sporting foundation and an outstanding pedigree.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Donauabend

Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach

Samenbestellung: Mo. bis Sa., auch an Feiertagen. Samenversand: Externes Transportunternehmen.

Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

breeding tax from 350 €


broodmare Donaustille (Trakehner, 2013, from Abendtanz)


dressage horse Donautraum 6 (Hanoverian, 2015, from De Niro)

Donautraum 6

dressage horse Dream A Little Dream 6 (Hanoverian, 2016, from De Niro)

Dream A Little Dream 6

jumper Donau Fürst (Trakehner, 2011, from Donauzauber)

Donau Fürst

Show all siblings


broodmare Pari (Trakehner, 2016, from Donauabend)


jumper Palina IV (Trakehner, 2018, from Donauabend)

Palina IV

jumper Delphi 62 (German Sport Horse, 2019, from Donauabend)

Delphi 62

jumper Macis AS (Trakehner, 2017, from Donauabend)

Macis AS

Show all 31 children

Base data

name (DE) Donauabend sportname (DE) Donauabend
breeding name (DE) Donauabend UELN 276409090277012
National-ID DE 409090277012 FEI-ID 107IZ85
gender Stallion breed Trakehner
type horse born 04/14/2012
shoulder height 171 cm colour black Brown
discipline Dressur, Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Trakehner Verband Awards gekört
Father Abendtanz Mother Donaublüte
father of mother Lauries Crusador xx Breeder Burkhard Wahler, Klosterhof Medingen,
Place of birth Germany, 29549 Bad Bevensen (Niedersachsen) whereabouts Germany, 72532 Gomadingen (Baden-Württemberg)
profile views 12225

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