broodmare Tippytoes xx (Thoroughbred, 1912, from General Symons xx)

Tippytoes xx

broodmare Belle of Clonmel xx (Thoroughbred, 1911, from General Symons xx)

Belle of Clonmel xx

broodmare Electricity xx (Thoroughbred, 1903, from General Symons xx)

Electricity xx

stallion Mount William xx (Thoroughbred, 1911, from General Symons xx)

Mount William xx

broodmare Rose of Culleen xx (Thoroughbred, 1903, from General Symons xx)

Rose of Culleen xx

broodmare Honour xx (Thoroughbred, 1909, from General Symons xx)

Honour xx

horse Soldier's Daughter xx (Thoroughbred, 1910, from General Symons xx)

Soldier's Daughter xx

broodmare Lady Palotta xx (Thoroughbred, 1911, from General Symons xx)

Lady Palotta xx

stallion Drinmore xx (Thoroughbred, 1908, from General Symons xx)

Drinmore xx

broodmare Hors De Combat xx (Thoroughbred, 1910, from General Symons xx)

Hors De Combat xx

broodmare Orepesa xx (Thoroughbred, 1909, from General Symons xx)

Orepesa xx

horse Grenada xx (Thoroughbred, 1909, from General Symons xx)

Grenada xx