broodmare Fit for Fun 8 (German Riding Pony, 2001, from Benetton S)

Fit for Fun 8

stallion Dancer H.J.S. (German Riding Pony, 2005, from Day of Whisper)

Dancer H.J.S.

stallion Benevito HS (German Riding Pony, 2002, from Benetton S)

Benevito HS


dressage horse Felicia H.J.S. (German Riding Pony, 2009, from Chantre 31)

Felicia H.J.S.

stallion Benneton Boy (German Riding Pony, 2003, from Benetton S)

Benneton Boy


jumper Dumbledora (German Riding Pony, 2004, from Don't Worry Be Happy)
