horse Wendelin v.d. Geest (Shetland Pony, 1988, from Wouter van Veldzicht)

Wendelin v.d. Geest

stallion Willibald von Uda (Shetland Pony, 1990, from Wouter van Veldzicht)

Willibald von Uda

broodmare Yvett of Baltic Sea (Shetland Pony, 1998, from Stelart of Transy)

Yvett of Baltic Sea

broodmare Heideroosje v. Veldzicht (Shetland Pony,  , from Duc van de Pony Hoeve)

Heideroosje v. Veldzicht

broodmare Yve of Baltic Sea (Shetland Pony, 1997, from Wouter van Veldzicht)

Yve of Baltic Sea