horse Viljars Twisted Pommery (American Miniature Horse, 2015, from Viljar's Let's Twist Again)

Viljars Twisted Pommery

horse Viljars Twisted Gin Tonic (American Miniature Horse, 2016, from Viljar's Let's Twist Again)

Viljars Twisted Gin Tonic

horse Viljars Twist of Muscadet (American Miniature Horse, 2017, from Viljar's Let's Twist Again)

Viljars Twist of Muscadet

horse Viljars Bubbly Jester (American Miniature Horse, 2018, from Viljars Shade of Joker)

Viljars Bubbly Jester

horse Viljars Shade of Sangria (American Miniature Horse, 2019, from Viljars Shade of Joker)

Viljars Shade of Sangria

horse Viljars Fate Fighter (American Miniature Horse, 2020, from Viljars Twisted Destination)

Viljars Fate Fighter

horse Viljars Frozen Destination (American Miniature Horse, 2021, from Viljars Twisted Destination)

Viljars Frozen Destination