Geschwister von Stelfren of Transy

Halbgeschwister Mutterlinie

Zuchtstute Stelmunda of Transy (Shetland Pony, 1954, von Beachdair of Harviestoun)

Stelmunda of Transy

Deckhengst Harviestoun Sceptre (Shetland Pony, 1953, von Beachdair of Harviestoun)

Harviestoun Sceptre

Zuchtstute Stelmargot of Transy (Shetland Pony, 1942, von Sataro of Transy)

Stelmargot of Transy

Deckhengst Harvieston Sceptre (Shetland Pony, 1933, von Beachdair of Harviestoun)

Harvieston Sceptre

Zuchtstute Harviestoun Shean (Shetland Pony, 1949, von Beachdair of Harviestoun)

Harviestoun Shean

Zuchtstute Harviestoun Sandra (Shetland Pony, 1951, von Beachdair of Harviestoun)

Harviestoun Sandra

Zuchtstute Harviestoun Sirette (Shetland Pony, 1950, von Beachdair of Harviestoun)

Harviestoun Sirette