Geschwister von Westedge Delight

  Halbgeschwister Vaterlinie (17)
  Vollgeschwister (3)
  Halbgeschwister Mutterlinie (2)
  Halbgeschwister Vaterlinie (17)

Halbgeschwister Vaterlinie

Deckhengst Hewal Benefactor (Clydesdale, 1994, von Ayton Final Command)

Hewal Benefactor

Deckhengst Love's Jane's Robbie (Clydesdale, 1994, von Ayton Final Command)

Love's Jane's Robbie

Zuchtstute Farm of Scotland Command's Annie Laurie (Clydesdale, 1995, von Ayton Final Command)

Farm of Scotland Command's Annie Laurie

Zuchtstute Westedge Emily Lynn (Clydesdale, 1994, von Ayton Final Command)

Westedge Emily Lynn

Pferd Ayton Final Ace (Clydesdale, 1995, von Ayton Final Command)

Ayton Final Ace

Zuchtstute Belleau G.F. Malisa (Clydesdale, 1999, von Ayton Final Command)

Belleau G.F. Malisa

Zuchtstute Belleau G.F. Chelsey (Clydesdale, 1997, von Ayton Final Command)

Belleau G.F. Chelsey

Zuchtstute Westedge Finessa (Clydesdale, 1995, von Ayton Final Command)

Westedge Finessa

Zuchtstute Walnut Crest Bonnie Lee (Clydesdale, 1996, von Ayton Final Command)

Walnut Crest Bonnie Lee

Zuchtstute Mapledoon Mandy (Clydesdale, 1992, von Ayton Final Command)

Mapledoon Mandy

Pferd Westedge Abner (Clydesdale, 1993, von Ayton Final Command)

Westedge Abner

Zuchtstute Westedge Bonnie Floss (Clydesdale, 1991, von Ayton Final Command)

Westedge Bonnie Floss