Geschwister von King of Bunkers

Halbgeschwister Mutterlinie

Zuchtstute Swish (New-Forest-Pony, 1948, von Forest Horse)


Zuchtstute Ashurst Bess (New-Forest-Pony, 1956, von Forest Horse)

Ashurst Bess

Zuchtstute Snipper (New-Forest-Pony, 1934, von Forest Horse)


Deckhengst Broomy Fair Judgement (New-Forest-Pony, 1957, von Foxlease Darky Dan)

Broomy Fair Judgement

Deckhengst Monty IV (New-Forest-Pony,  , von Forest Horse)

Monty IV

Zuchtstute Meadend Blaze (New-Forest-Pony, 1952, von Forest Horse)

Meadend Blaze

Zuchtstute Grey Skies (New-Forest-Pony, 1958, von Forest Horse)

Grey Skies

Deckhengst Sway Marigold (New-Forest-Pony, 1955, von Forest Horse)

Sway Marigold

Deckhengst Bartley Sunny Boy (New-Forest-Pony, 1957, von Forest Horse)

Bartley Sunny Boy

Zuchtstute Warren Lesley (New-Forest-Pony, 1947, von Forest Horse)

Warren Lesley

Zuchtstute Sway Sunflower (New-Forest-Pony, 1951, von Forest Horse)

Sway Sunflower

Zuchtstute Flake of Broomy (New-Forest-Pony,  , von Forest Horse)

Flake of Broomy