Lownthwaite Ember
Fell Pony1974
Townend Prince
Fell Pony1968
Lunesdale Richard
Fell Pony1965
Heltondale Sonny Boy
Fell Pony1961
Heltondale Star Boy
Fuesdale Black Bess of Heltondale
Lunesdale Peggy
Fell Pony1958
Orig. Fell Horse
Orig. Fell Mare
Waverhead Princess
Fell Pony1964
Waverhead Rambler
Fell Pony1959
Black Grouse
Jenny o'the Hill
Town End Polly VIII
Fell Pony1960
Summer Glent
Townend Polly VI
Lownthwaite Eve
Blake Beck Boy
Fell Pony1948
Storm Boy
Fell Pony1933
Bob Silvertail
Wood-End Lady Atkinson
Blake Beck Jess
Wood-End Banker
Lownthwaite Beauty
Fell Pony1947
Linnel Raven II
Fell Pony1944
Linnel Prim
Linnel Roamer
Lownthwaite Bonny
Fell Pony1935
Peepings Swell
Sarah of Lownthwaite
Lownthwaite Faithful
Fell Pony
Fell Pony1954
Heltondale Prince
Gipsy Pearl
Fell Pony1953
Heltondale Romer
Dot of Keld Head
Heltondale Hero
Lownthwaite Guards
Guards Hero II
Fell Pony1955
Guards Hero
Fell Pony1949
Guards Peggy
Guards Gipsy
Fell Pony1942
Lownthwaite Bess