Alle Turnierergebnisse von Adrian Schmid

Prüfung Pferd Turnier
Chellatus R S&G Goldstadt Cup Pforzheim 2012

Faible Lafayette S&G Goldstadt Cup Pforzheim 2012

Davidoff V. Schl'Hof CH S&G Goldstadt Cup Pforzheim 2012

Chellatus R S&G Goldstadt Cup Pforzheim 2012

Chellatus R S&G Goldstadt Cup Pforzheim 2012

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Davidoff V. Schl'Hof CH S&G Goldstadt Cup Pforzheim 2012

Faible Lafayette S&G Goldstadt Cup Pforzheim 2012

Davidoff V. Schl'Hof CH First Horse Grand Prix CSIO Copenhagen 2012

Faible Lafayette First Horse Grand Prix CSIO Copenhagen 2012

Fly With Me First Horse Grand Prix CSIO Copenhagen 2012

Fly With Me First Horse Grand Prix CSIO Copenhagen 2012

Davidoff V. Schl'Hof CH First Horse Grand Prix CSIO Copenhagen 2012

Faible Lafayette First Horse Grand Prix CSIO Copenhagen 2012

Faible Lafayette First Horse Grand Prix CSIO Copenhagen 2012

Fly With Me First Horse Grand Prix CSIO Copenhagen 2012

Davidoff V. Schl'Hof CH First Horse Grand Prix CSIO Copenhagen 2012

Faible Lafayette First Horse Grand Prix CSIO Copenhagen 2012

Fly With Me First Horse Grand Prix CSIO Copenhagen 2012

Con Charisma vom Schlösslihof Hallenspringturnier Aach 2012

Kostolany vom Schlösslihof Hallenspringturnier Aach 2012