Alle Turnierergebnisse von Janka Leuker

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Artus the King Reitturnier Verl 2019

Artus the King Reitturnier Delbrück-Ostenland 2019

Artus the King Reitturnier Mastholte 2018

Artus the King Reitturnier Mastholte 2018

Artus the King Reitturnier Mastholte 2018

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Artus the King Reitturnier Warendorf-Lohwall 2018

Artus the King Reitturnier Münster, Westf. RuF Schule 2018

Artus the King Reitturnier Versmold 2018

Artus the King Reitturnier Versmold 2018

Artus the King Reitturnier Geseke 2018

Artus the King Reitturnier Schwaney 2018

Artus the King Reitturnier Bielefeld-Brake 2018

Artus the King Reitturnier Delbrück-Ostenland 2018

Artus the King Reitturnier Delbrück-Ostenland 2018

Artus the King Reitturnier Verl 2018

Artus the King Reitturnier Verl 2018

Artus the King Reitturnier Alt-Mölln 2018

Artus Reitturnier Bad Lippspringe 2018

Artus Reitturnier Bad Lippspringe 2018

Casparino 5 Reitturnier Rietberg-Varensell 2016