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Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Wellington, FL (Equestrian Center) (USA) 2014

Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Wellington, FL (Equestrian Center) (USA) 2014

Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Wellington, FL (Equestrian Center) (USA) 2014

Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Wellington, FL (Equestrian Center) (USA) 2014

Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Wellington, FL (Equestrian Center) (USA) 2014

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Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Wellington, FL (Equestrian Center) (USA) 2014

Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Wellington, FL (Equestrian Center) (USA) 2014

Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Wellington, FL (Equestrian Center) (USA) 2013

Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Wellington, FL (Equestrian Center) (USA) 2013

Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Wellington, FL (Equestrian Center) (USA) 2013

Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Toronto ON (CAN) 2013

Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Toronto ON (CAN) 2013

Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Toronto ON (CAN) 2013

Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Lexington, KY (Horse Park) (USA) 2013

Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Lexington, KY (Horse Park) (USA) 2013

Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier New York, NY (North Salem) (USA) 2013

Brianne Goutal-marteau The Hampton Classic Horse Show 2013

Brianne Goutal-marteau The Hampton Classic Horse Show 2013

Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Dinard (FRA) 2013

Brianne Goutal-marteau FEI Reitturnier Dinard (FRA) 2013

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