Alle Turnierergebnisse von Brasil

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Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Vilamoura (POR) 2014

Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Alfeizerão (POR) 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Alfeizerão (POR) 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Alfeizerão (POR) 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Vilamoura (POR) 2013

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Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Vilamoura (POR) 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Vilamoura (POR) 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Vilamoura (POR) 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Vilamoura (POR) 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Vilamoura (POR) 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes Longines Global Champions Tour of Estoril 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Cascais, Estoril (POR) 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes Longines Global Champions Tour of Estoril 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Cascais, Estoril (POR) 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes Longines Global Champions Tour of Estoril 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Cascais, Estoril (POR) 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Vimeiro (POR) 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Vimeiro (POR) 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Vimeiro (POR) 2013

Miguel Santana Lopes FEI Reitturnier Ponte de Lima (POR) 2013

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