Little Loxley Line

Little Loxley Line

Pferd, unbekannt, Stute, 2016


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Dressurpferd Valegro (KWPN (Niederländisches Warmblut), 2002, von Negro)


Deckhengst Netto (KWPN (Niederländisches Warmblut), 2003, von Negro)


Dressurpferd Vanqueur (KWPN (Niederländisches Warmblut), 2002, von Negro)


Dressurpferd Vorst (KWPN (Niederländisches Warmblut), 2002, von Negro)


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Name (NL) Little Loxley Line Zuchtname (NL) Little Loxley Line
Geschlecht Stute Rasse KWPN (Niederländisches Warmblut)
Typ Pferd geboren 01.01.2016
Stockmaß 163 cm Farbe Braun
Disziplin Dressur, Working Equitation Einsatzbereich Zuchtpferd, Sportpferd, Freizeitpferd
Verband hinzufügen Auszeichnungen hinzufügen
Vater Negro Mutter hinzufügen
Muttervater hinzufügen Geburtsort Deutschland, Ort hinzufügen
Aufenthaltsort Deutschland, Brno Feldprüfung hinzufügen
Stationsprüfung hinzufügen Profilaufrufe 2732
mare by Negro / Lord Loxley, she is absolutely safe, talented and healthy. She is about 163 cm tall, bay, she was born in 2016, she will be a bit taller. Perfect junior horse, sane, safe, will look after any rider ! This mare is very good movements and great balance and a super character. Her movement is powerful and has good scope and elasticity. Fantastic to ride and super safe, doesn’t need to be lunged before riding and takes everything very well! She behaves well in new places, good to hack, not scared of anything !! This Mare is sure to excel with her proven pedigree in either breeding or dressage competions. Dam Loxley Lane is the full-sister of the keur stallion Lord Kingsley. Lord Kingsley is 3 y old and Approved stallion in Germany , and Frescobaldi competing at Z 2 level. Dam line filled with performance ( PSG, IM level include) and predicates. Good x Ray’s include back Located middle Czech republic, transport possible
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