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Name (International, LV) Altairs Sportname (International, LV) Altairs
Zuchtname (LV) Altairs UELN 428001900000615
Lebensnummer LVA001900000615 FEI-ID 107JF01
Geschlecht Wallach Rasse Lettisches Warmblut
Typ Pferd geboren 03.05.2012
Stockmaß 169 cm Farbe Braun
Disziplin Springen Einsatzbereich Sportpferd
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Vater Alfanss Mutter Kohija
Muttervater Calderon Züchter Ramona Sheine
Geburtsort Lettland, Ort hinzufügen Aufenthaltsort Lettland, Riga
Profilaufrufe 1713
For sale 6 year old gelding. The horse was born and raised on my farm. Well-fed, regular intake of vitamins and micronutrients. Regularly groomed nails and teeth floated. Calm, hard working and not lazy, active and sensitive. A benign and smart but very dominant horse.
Learns quickly and wants to work with people. Comes to a workout by himself. Spends a lot of time living outside in the wild.
Not easily scared, but of course will be cautios when dealing with something new. I work alone, does not need to be tied down when i put on a saddle or groom nails. Quietly taken out of the horse's enclosure. Grazes completely wild outside the enclosure, while other horses stay in the enclosure. Not nervous
Good trot and good jumping technique, good origin, pleasent, no exterior defects, good X-rays of the legs.
No behavioral or health problems. In my opinion, is a prospect both in show jumping and dressage. Aroma's grandson. Aromas children have proved themselves in both of these disciplines.
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