Skovgaardens Leonora
Skovgaardens Leonora
Pferd, Dänisches Warmblut, Verbandsprämienstute, 2012
- Pferd
- Dänisches Warmblut
- Verbandsprämienstute
- 2012
nur für Pro-Mitglieder
Name (DK) | Skovgaardens Leonora | UELN | 208333DW1201755 |
Lebensnummer | DNK333DW1201755 | Geschlecht | Stute |
Rasse | Dänisches Warmblut | Typ | Pferd |
geboren | 09.05.2012 | Stockmaß | 167 cm |
Farbe | Braun | Disziplin | Dressur, Springen |
Einsatzbereich | Zuchtpferd, Sportpferd, Freizeitpferd | Verband | hinzufügen |
Auszeichnungen | Verbandsprämienstute | Vater | Lionell |
Mutter | Gipsy Rain | Muttervater | Grafenstein |
Geburtsort | Dänemark, Ort hinzufügen | Aufenthaltsort | Dänemark, Linnerup Skovgaard |
Feldprüfung | hinzufügen | Stationsprüfung | hinzufügen |
Profilaufrufe | 928 |
Big, fabolously, longlegged and with great gaits filly. Expected size when fully grown cm 170 +. Leonora is used to being daily in hands, she is taken care of with regular blacksmith and deworming, she is chipped and has bordeaux DW passport. Leonora is out of a really exceptionel and amazing motherlinje where grandsire Grafenstein is jumping stallion out of the famous Grande Line, licensed/approved with the Oldenburg Verband in 1987. Performancetest was made at Adelsheiddorf in 1988 with a jump index of 138.87, his father Grundtein I, Grand Prix dressage stallion had a dressage index of 178 and a jump index of 142, he was also the father of 13 approved sons in Germany before he in 1985 was exported to the United States.
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