Adelheidis HPH

Adelheidis HPH

Pferd, Warlander, Stute, 2012


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Name (DE) Adelheidis HPH Geschlecht Stute
Rasse Warlander Typ Pferd
geboren 06.04.2012 Stockmaß hinzufügen
Farbe Rappe Disziplin Dressur, Westernreiten
Einsatzbereich Sportpferd, Freizeitpferd Verband hinzufügen
Auszeichnungen hinzufügen Vater Xadrez Do Pentagono
Mutter Cameo S Muttervater Mintse 384
Geburtsort Kanada, Langley, British Columbia Aufenthaltsort Kanada, Sherwood Park, Alberta
Feldprüfung hinzufügen Stationsprüfung hinzufügen
Profilaufrufe 1165
Mya is an absolutely amazing and beautiful Warlander filly that I purchased in utero. I unfortunately do not have the time that she requires to put the proper training on her. I will only sell her to an experience equine home that will be able to put the proper training on her, take tremendous care of her and realize her full potential. I am hoping that her new owners will be willing to keep me updated on her progress as well. This filly is very dear to me and I am heartbroken that I am putting her up for sale, but it is the best thing to do for her at this time.

Mya has very animated movement at both the trot and canter, high knee action but also great elasticity, a perfect combination of the Lusitano and Friesian movement that would make her a dream for dressage. She is currently standing at approx. 15.2hh or better and should mature to 16hh at least. Mya is registered with the Friesian Heritage Horse and Sporthorse International registry under the Warlander book, she is DNA'd, microchiped and verified.

Please contact Jaclyne for more information on this filly.
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