Quidam 16

Quidam 16

New-Forest-Pony, Wallach, 2004

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Springpferd Lante's Narcos (New-Forest-Pony, 2009, von Young Winsome's Adrian)

Lante's Narcos

Pferd Bjento (New-Forest-Pony, 2012, von Holthausen Frodo II)


Springpferd Bryan 10 (New-Forest-Pony, 2002, von Vivienne's Vision of Freedom)

Bryan 10

Springpferd Weper (New-Forest-Pony, 2006, von Vivienne's Vision of Freedom)


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Name (DE) Quidam 16 Sportname (DE) Quidam 16
Zuchtname (NL) Quidam de l'Equille UELN 528018020041625

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