

Pferd, KWPN (Niederländisches Warmblut), Wallach, 1981


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Name (DE) Zebelina Sportname (DE) Zebelina
UELN 276304048656200 Lebensnummer DE 304048656200
Geschlecht Wallach Rasse KWPN (Niederländisches Warmblut)
Typ Pferd geboren 01.01.1981
Stockmaß 1.65 cm Farbe Braun
Disziplin hinzufügen Einsatzbereich Zuchtpferd
Verband hinzufügen Auszeichnungen hinzufügen
Vater Le Val Blanc xx Mutter Petite-Fleur
Muttervater Solaris xx Geburtsort Niederlande, Ort hinzufügen
Aufenthaltsort Österreich, Ort hinzufügen Profilaufrufe 1396
Whe have search so long for only 1 question and that is whe please want that we would like to know if our mare Zebelina born 1981 is still alive. She was sold to one F noordermeer in hilversum, who then sold her on to Johann Frischeis, A-3874 Litschau. We know she's unlikely to be alive. But we try anyway. And we are also very curious about the foals that Zebelina has given birth to whether they are still alive. Zebelina was always a very sweet and very calm mare, And I got to make her saddle broken myself. When I think back to the day she was picked up by Mr. Noordermeer, tears just come back to my eyes. Really hope you can and will help me if she is still alive and if not when she passed away. Sincerely. marjan niks bolk ..... marjanniksbolk@hotmail.com
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