(Sixtus 33)
Sixtus (Sixtus 33)
Pferd, Trakehner, Hengst (gekört), 1989
- Pferd
- Trakehner
- Hengst (gekört)
- 1989
nur für Pro-Mitglieder
Name (DE) | Sixtus | Sportname (DE) | Sixtus 33 |
Zuchtname (DE) | Sixtus | UELN | 276309090602289 |
Lebensnummer | DE 309090602289 | Geschlecht | Hengst |
Rasse | Trakehner | Typ | Pferd |
geboren | 01.01.1989 | Sterbetag | 15.02.2022 |
Stockmaß | 167 cm | Farbe | Rappe |
Disziplin | Dressur, Springen, Vielseitigkeit | Einsatzbereich | Zuchtpferd, Sportpferd |
Verband | Trakehner Verband | Auszeichnungen | gekört |
Vater | Habicht | Mutter | Stradelle |
Muttervater | Ibikus | Züchter | Blomeyer, Manfred |
Geburtsort | Deutschland, Nieder-Ofleiden | Aufenthaltsort | Deutschland, Gestüt Hörstein |
Profilaufrufe | 28784 |
By far the most important among Habicht’s sixteen graded sons is Sixtus. An eye-catching black standing at 16.1 hands, his career started at the grading where he was awarded a premium and was named best jumper of the year. As a six-year-old Sixtus went into training with Gilbert Böckmann who qualified him for the World Young Jumping Horse championships in Zangersheide. With a total of more than 50 placings in 1.40 metre classes and four wins, Sixtus is something special in the Trakehner breed. His jumping index based on the scores the offspring received at mare inspections, horseshows and gradings is 138 points – no other Trakehner stallion was able to come close to that in the past decade. Sixtus seems to know of his outstanding position – he’s a male diva so to speak.
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