Gracieux d'Osmont

Gracieux d'Osmont

Selle Français, Hengst (gekört), 2016

Gracieux d'Osmont steht zum Verkauf

a powerful yet gentle stallion, serious and eager to jump, getting to the doors of Grand Prix level, needs to find the talented rider to bring him all the way up. Price according to his potential, sold by the breeder, listening offers.

Preis auf Anfrage

Patrick Osmont rivas
49400 saumur


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Name (International, BE, DE, GB, NL) Gracieux D'Osmont Sportname (International, DE) Gracieux D'Osmont
Zuchtname (DE) Gracieux d'Osmont UELN 25000116337613Z
a powerful yet gentle stallion, serious and eager to jump, getting to the doors of Grand Prix level, needs to find the talented rider to bring him all the way up. Price according to his potential, sold by the breeder, listening offers.

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