

Holsteiner, Leistungsstute, 2012

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Springpferd Con Quisar Rb (Holsteiner, 2009, von Quo Vados I)

Con Quisar Rb

Springpferd Clarimo I (Holsteiner, 2014, von Clarimo Ask)

Clarimo I

Springpferd Karina Borana (Bulgarisches Warmblut, 2011, von Pikeur Carre)

Karina Borana

Springpferd Capriccio (Bulgarisches Warmblut, 2011, von Pikeur Carre)


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Name (International) E-Carissima Sportname (International) E-Carissima
UELN 276421000588312 Lebensnummer DE 421000588312
Highly talented mare, successfully competing at show jumping events up to class M (level 1.35-1.40 m). Top places at A and L class events in 2016 and 2017. First place at National championship 2017. Second place 2019 as 7 y.o.
She has an expansive and powerful canter. Brave, ambitious and trusting, she is committed to showing her best in the arena. Very light on the reigns.

Quick learning and attentive to detail, she is also calm and very cooperative. People-oriented.
Purchased directly from the breeder at age of 2, broken and ridden by one rider only.
Excellent X-rays.
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