

Pferd, Lettisches Warmblut, Stute, 2017


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Pferd Kvarts (Lettisches Warmblut, 2006, von Stolpegårdens Castello)


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Name (LV) Sumaca Geschlecht Stute
Rasse Lettisches Warmblut Typ Pferd
geboren 12.07.2017 Stockmaß 145 cm
Farbe Fuchs Disziplin Springen, Vielseitigkeit, Distanzreiten
Einsatzbereich Sportpferd, Freizeitpferd Verband hinzufügen
Auszeichnungen hinzufügen Vater Stolpegårdens Castello
Mutter Madiba's Sunshine Muttervater Kahtan xx
Züchter Sanita Aunina Geburtsort Lettland, Ort hinzufügen
Aufenthaltsort Lettland, Riga Feldprüfung hinzufügen
Stationsprüfung hinzufügen Profilaufrufe 1385
Sumaca has a fine blood combination.
Mother is Thoroughbred from Ireland with lines good for jumping (a lot of Nearco descendents). Her father is Kahtan xx (Nashwan xx -Pas De Seul xx)

Father is Stolpegaardens Castello from Denmark. (Carano - Lucky Light).
Grandfather Carano (Capitol - Cor de la Bryere) had jumping index 190.

Sumaca is a chesnut with star and two white socks. She is very interested in communication with humans, learns quickly, have good experience with transportation, changed stall and met different horse companions.
Owner has major concerns and has to sell quickly. Therefore, the price is negotiable.
Ready for transportation worldwide.
More pictures and videos on request.
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