Kantje's Rafaella

Kantje's Rafaella

New-Forest-Pony, Stute, 1998


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Zuchtstute Kantje's Constance (New-Forest-Pony, 1996, von Duke's Forest Antares)

Kantje's Constance

Deckhengst Simply the Best (New-Forest-Pony, 1994, von Duke's Forest Oberon)

Simply the Best

Springpferd Charlie 220 (New-Forest-Pony, 2003, von Duke's Forest Oberon)

Charlie 220

Dressurpferd Ravello (New-Forest-Pony, 1997, von Duke's Forest Oberon)


Alle 35 Geschwister anzeigen


Deckhengst Kantje's Vinello (New-Forest-Pony, 2002, von Berkhof's Higgledy Piggledy)

Kantje's Vinello

Pferd Kantje's Erald (New-Forest-Pony, 2008, von Justice H.R.)

Kantje's Erald

Springpferd Kantje's Haley (New-Forest-Pony, 2012, von Kantje's Carter)

Kantje's Haley

Alle 3 Nachkommen anzeigen

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Name (DE) Kantje's Rafaella Sportname (DE) Kantje's Rafaella
Geschlecht Stute Rasse New-Forest-Pony
Stb. 982502

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