Zuchtstute Marigold of Houll (Shetland Pony,  , von Spangle of Berry)

Marigold of Houll

Zuchtstute Modelle of Grunivoe (Shetland Pony,  , von Spangle of Berry)

Modelle of Grunivoe

Zuchtstute Julie of Burland (Shetland Pony (unter 87 cm), 1976, von Spangle of Berry)

Julie of Burland

Zuchtstute Beatrice of Crosbister (Shetland Pony (unter 87 cm), 1988, von Spangle of Berry)

Beatrice of Crosbister

Zuchtstute Twinkle of Waterloo (Shetland Pony,  , von Spangle of Berry)

Twinkle of Waterloo

Zuchtstute Daisy of Waterloo (Shetland Pony, 1980, von Spangle of Berry)

Daisy of Waterloo