Zuchtstute Bækager Cemira (New-Forest-Pony, 1968, von Beacon Pericles)

Bækager Cemira

Deckhengst Beacon Chorus (New-Forest-Pony, 1961, von Beacon Pericles)

Beacon Chorus

Zuchtstute Millersford Petula (New-Forest-Pony,  , von Beacon Pericles)

Millersford Petula

Deckhengst Silver Cloud of Staplecross (New-Forest-Pony, 1962, von Beacon Pericles)

Silver Cloud of Staplecross

Zuchtstute Smokey (New-Forest-Pony, 1961, von Beacon Pericles)


Zuchtstute Milegaardens Medrina (New-Forest-Pony, 1966, von Beacon Pericles)

Milegaardens Medrina

Zuchtstute Havens Lovebird (New-Forest-Pony,  , von Beacon Pericles)

Havens Lovebird

Zuchtstute Höjmarkens Si Belle (New-Forest-Pony,  , von Beacon Pericles)

Höjmarkens Si Belle

Zuchtstute Surveyer (New-Forest-Pony, 1970, von Beacon Pericles)


Zuchtstute Milegårdens Hey (New-Forest-Pony, 1971, von Beacon Pericles)

Milegårdens Hey

Zuchtstute Havens Flora (New-Forest-Pony, 1971, von Beacon Pericles)

Havens Flora

Pferd Kirkelygård Sharm el Sheikh (New-Forest-Pony, 1982, von Beacon Pericles)

Kirkelygård Sharm el Sheikh