Zuchtstute Washington Wild Goose (Connemara-Pony, 1978, von Chiltern Curlew)

Washington Wild Goose

Zuchtstute Shipton Speedwell (Connemara-Pony, 1981, von Chiltern Curlew)

Shipton Speedwell

Zuchtstute Shipton Rathleen (Connemara-Pony, 1982, von Chiltern Curlew)

Shipton Rathleen

Deckhengst Washington Woodpecker (Connemara-Pony,  , von Chiltern Curlew)

Washington Woodpecker

Zuchtstute Riversdale Morning Dew (Connemara-Pony,  , von Chiltern Curlew)

Riversdale Morning Dew

Deckhengst Chiltern Coph of Tower Hill (Connemara-Pony, 1977, von Chiltern Curlew)

Chiltern Coph of Tower Hill